You Will Have Trouble and It May Be Plumbing

This weekend I decided to stay home and do some projects around the house. After working hard for a few hours, I went into the bathroom and realized that my shower had not drained again! There was still a small amount of standing water in it. I was in the middle of too many other things and was frustrated that I now had one more thing to deal with in the middle of a busy Saturday.

I went to the cleaning cupboard to grab the drain cleaner, and I couldn’t find it. After looking around in a few other places, I came to the upsetting conclusion that I was out of drain cleaner. The situation was growing more frustrating. I knew that it would take a lot of time out of my day to stop everything else, get ready, run to the store, and finally use the drain cleaner to solve this problem.

I decided to search the web for homemade drain solutions. The one that seemed easiest and the most simple was to use a coat hanger. I took a wire coat hanger, bent a little hook in it, and shoved it down the drain. I got the clog to loosen, and the standing water started to drain slowly.

I pulled the hanger out, and nothing was on the hook, no clump of hair or gunk. I thought that was weird if it isn’t draining, something is blocking it. I decided to fish around some more and see if I could pull out the clog. The next time I pulled the hanger out and a clump of old plumbers putty came out with it. The drain completely cleared. In fact, since I have owned this home, this drain has never worked this well.

I started rejoicing! I was excited that a long time problem was cleared up. I also rejoiced because the Lord used this to speak to me about life’s circumstances and inconveniences. It became a teachable moment.

The slow drain problem that I had lived with for a long time was finally solved, and I was happy. But just a few minutes before I was very unhappy and frustrated although the circumstances were already in play for my problem to be solved. I needed a slow drain, I needed to be out of drain cleaner, and I needed to try something new, the coat hanger, for my problem to finally be solved.

Most of the time, I get unhappy and frustrated when difficulties arise in my life. If I had known that this drain was going to be completely fixed, I would not have been unhappy to work on it. I am short sighted and do not see beyond the moment to the good outcome. Also, it was much easier than I imagined it was going to be. As I pondered these things, the Lord reminded me of some of His promises and truths.

First, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NIV) I am guaranteed to have trouble, so I shouldn’t be surprised. I should actually have peace because I know God.

Next, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28, ESV). Does this mean that my drains will always work? No, it means that God is working His purposes in my life and will bring me to a good place with Him. I shouldn’t get frustrated with difficulties because God’s purposes will be accomplished. But, I need to remember that sometimes it is inconvenient or difficult to reach a good outcome.

Finally, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29–30, ESV) Too often I look at the problems and forget that I am plowing (or doing plumbing) alongside Jesus. I see the work ahead, and I am overwhelmed. But, He tells me that to work with Him is easy and light. I need to remember that truth. It is always easier to live life the Jesus way.

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