Seek First the Kingdom of God

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33, ESV)

“Seek first the kingdom of God.” I have known this verse since I was a small child. I learned at an early age that I need to seek God and trust that he will provide for me. Lately, I have been reconsidering some familiar verses and passages. This was one that I looked at with fresh eyes.
I started with “Seek first”. This was enough for me to realize that I had not seriously thought about this verse in years. The word first stood out. First is one small word in this passage but it has great significance. When I started to ponder the idea of seeking God’s kingdom first, I realized I had my priorities wrong.
To seek first means to seek before other things. It is not saying to make God’s kingdom a priority in your life. It is saying that it is to be the priority before all else. Seeking God’s kingdom should be done first before pursuing anything else. It is giving God the firstfruits of our life.
The Jews understood the term seeking first. They were taught to bring God the best of their crops, the firstfruits. They were also taught to give this gift before they enjoyed the harvest. “The best of the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the LORD your God.” (Exodus 23:19, ESV). They gave God the best, and they gave it first. This was a choice based on faith. They demonstrated their faith by offering this gift. They trusted that God would continue to provide and bless them.
Jesus is calling us to a life of faith and trust in him. Kingdom citizens know that the King will always have their best interest at heart. Knowing that Jesus is in charge, it is easy to step out in faith and give God our best. We give our time, energy, resources, whatever is necessary, to promote and support the kingdom, and we give it first. It is the priority over and above all.
I have been challenged today. I pray that this encourages you to seek “first” the kingdom of God.

Dear Lord, I come before you today realizing that I have not always sought you and your kingdom first. Other things in life have become the priority. I confess I do not always make your kingdom my priority. I ask that you cleanse me and change my habits and patterns by the power of your Spirit. Let me seek you first.

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