Remembering That I Am Blessed Beyond Measure

my phone 056“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are…” (1 John 3:1, ESV)

I have noticed a common theme in my blogs. Many of them are about overcoming adversity. That is because life is difficult, and there is a lot to overcome. Like Katherine Hepburn said, “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.” So overcoming difficulties seems to be a good theme since everyone can relate.

But after writing the blog, “Changing My Focus,” I realized that the troubles occupy my mind more than they should. I also realized that I am extremely blessed. I decided to discuss my blessings in this blog. It is my sincere desire that it encourages each reader to realize how blessed they are and how much God loves them. So here goes.

I woke up this morning, and I have a brand new day ahead of me. I have a new day to enjoy the birds singing, the sunshine, the intriguing and beautiful vegetation in my yard, and most probably a beautiful sunset at the end of the day. Nature is a wonderful gift that shows the Creators love for me. That love is especially evident when I see the beautiful Hibiscus blooming on my patio!

I am blessed beyond measure. My needs are provided for in abundance. In reality, I have much more than I need. I have many choices for breakfast today. I can pack my lunch. I can afford to eat lunch out if I choose. For dinner, I can eat at home, or show up at my family’s house, and they will feed me. I have a warm and safe place to sleep. I have comfortable furniture to rest on. I have fresh, clean water. I can afford coffee!

I have many friends, some of them have gone through great difficulties with me, and they are still there. I have loving and supportive co-workers. My church family cares about meeting people’s needs and would gladly provide any assistance that I required. The ladies I minister to at SISTER ministries show me compassion, care, love, and friendship. The baristas at Starbucks smile at me when I come in.

My family is wonderful (not perfect but wonderful). I have a 99 year old grandmother who has always loved me and thought the best of me. My parents raised me well, and they continue to be loving supporters. My children all serve Jesus and are married to believing spouses. I have two beautiful granddaughters. My brother and his family live three doors down, and they welcome me with open arms anytime I want to see them.

God loves me. He loves me too much that the Lord of Glory chooses to speak to me through His Word. Unlike most believers throughout history, I own a Bible, actually I own many. I can read that Bible. I can understand the Word because God Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit indwells me. I am allowed to pray because Jesus gave me access to the Father through His sacrificial gift of salvation. I am accepted in the Beloved. I can come boldly before the throne of grace knowing I am a child of the King and have the privileges that belong to the royal family.

Wow, I’m encouraged to get out of bed today!


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