About My Father’s Business

I have been attending some business classes over the past couple of months. It was an overview of how a multibillion-dollar company functions. We studied about financials, human resources, operations, merchandising, etc. At times, I felt like I was going into information overload. I was astounded by the enormity of the operation.

To say that I was amazed that a corporation functions with all the moving parts and variables, is a gross understatement. I am still at this moment completely blown away that all of the processes and procedures can be successfully implemented by many thousands of different people in thousands of different places to bring about a profitable result.

If a business that is organized and run by mere man can function well and provide for so many people and their needs, how much more amazing is the worldwide Church. God is the overseer of the most intricate and incredible unified organization ever. The Church is mind boggling in its diversity and scope. It amazes me that I have been chosen to be a part of what God is doing. I get to be a part of this great endeavor.

Even though I am only one small person, I matter and I make a difference. Each member makes a difference. Even in a multi-billion dollar business the least among the employees is taught to uphold the companies’ standards and practices. Each person represents the company and how well they observe the companies’ methods makes a difference in the health of the business.

I easily grasp this idea when it comes to business. It is about the bottom line, the money. How well I execute our best practices and make my metrics is the key to being successful. I need to think more like this about the church. I have key objectives to meet. I have been taught best practices and they make a difference. They hit the bottom line.

What is the bottom line in the church, because it isn’t money? Souls! What are our best practices to draw people to Christ? Love! “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”” (Matthew 22:37–40, ESV)

I need to be about my Father’s business. I need to focus on the metrics. Am I loving God and man the way I should? No, not always. There is room for improvement. As I improve, I will be increasing the effectiveness of the Church. I will be a small part in bringing success to our goals and mission. I will see souls drawn to Jesus. And someday, I will celebrate in the greatest success sharing meeting ever held.

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